Dear Patrons of The Center,
After carefully considering our responsibilities to patrons, employees, artists, and the community; we have decided to postpone all Center presented shows that were originally scheduled for March, April, and May.
In times of crisis, we turn to family, friends, and the things that ground us. The Center is all of that to us.
After three years of incredibly hard work, the pain of having to shut down the week of our opening is not an emotion I will soon forget. A few days ago, I stood on the stage at the newly renovated Center and gazed out at the empty rows of seats. It is one of the most beautiful theaters I have had the pleasure of being a part of. I am in awe of what we have created and simultaneously deeply saddened that we will not be able to share it with the community… yet.
We ask those of you who are financially able to stick with us in these difficult times, to continue your memberships, and hold on to your tickets as we work with the artists to reschedule shows.
How you can help:
Supporting The Center
- • Join or renew your membership (you can renew early without changing your renewal date.)
- • Make a tax-deductible donation to the Art Center Emergency Fund
- • Purchase a gift certificate for future shows at The Center
Supporting Artists
- • Consider purchasing instead of streaming music.
- • Shop artists’ websites for cool merchandise.
- • Share your favorite artists with your friends.