Current ExhibitIon

Welcome to western Nevada County’s  

29th Annual Open Studios Tour Preview Exhibition! 

This year’s Open Studios Tour boasts 61 studios with over 90 individual artists  participating and represented here in the gallery. On display is one artwork from each  artist in a variety of medium, technique, and subject matter. Use this exhibition as your  first taste of the tour. Grab a guide, and circle your favorites before hitting the road.  

On Saturday and Sunday of the second and third weekends of October these artists,  galleries, and collectives will open their studios to the public so visitors can appreciate  and learn more about their work. Some artists will be doing live demonstrations and  artwork available for purchase in all shapes sizes and price points. This is a great way  to add to your personal art collection, or get a head start on holiday shopping while also  supporting our local creative community.  

Grab one of the free guides in the gallery and get started planning your itinerary. The  guide contains everything you need to know about the tour, including



Carrying the Fire

featuring Tahiti Pehrson

Hand-cut and painted paper, wood block prints and carvings, and graphite drawings.

Exhibition Dates: November 8, 2024 – January 4, 2025

Opening Reception: Friday, November 8, 5-7pm

Tahiti Pehrson is a contemporary artist known for his intricate and mesmerizing paper-cut installations and sculptures. His work often explores themes of geometry, symmetry, and repetition, creating visually stunning pieces that play with light and shadow. Pehrson’s artworks typically involve painstakingly hand-cutting elaborate compositions. The precision and detail in his work are often breathtaking, with intricate patterns and forms that draw viewers in.

Learn More >

participate in our gallery

Would you like to see your art in the gallery?


Donated by art enthusiasts and founding supporters Leo and Gayle Granucci, the Granucci Gallery features an additional 602 square feet of wall space and includes an open floor plan that integrates smoothly with the lobby. The new visual arts gallery will feature works by local artists, as well as special private collections.



Visit the Gallery

The Granucci Gallery is located at The Center for the Arts at 314 W. Main Street in downtown Grass Valley, CA. 

The Granucci Gallery is sponsored by: