Reopening Survey Results

Reopening Survey Results

We received almost 1,000 responses to our reopening survey! Thank you. We are following government regulations and considering your suggestions as we prepare for our phased approach to reopening. We are eager to share artistic experiences with you while remaining committed to protecting our community’s health and well-being. 

Here’s what you said:


Of course it’s not just about stay-at-home orders.  There are many actions we can take to reduce risks when we return to the theater.  We wanted to know which measures were most important to you.

Required masks, available hand sanitizer, seat cleaning and limited audience sizes were noted as most important to most respondents. 


Once Nevada County and the state of California have lifted restrictions on the
size of public gatherings, but before a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available,
please rank the options below regarding what will make you feel safe
and comfortable attending live performances during that time.



Who Responded?  Nearly 80% consider themselves a music fan/concert goer, 45% are members of The Center for the Arts, and 76% of respondents are 55 and older.




In just one week we saw changes in response trends.  As the COVID-19 pandemic and corresponding recommendations continue to change at a rapid pace, we will adapt and adhere to local and state mandates, while monitoring public opinion. 

How it breaks down.  34% said, “I’m there!” while 40% said, “I’m still a little nervous but would likely attend.


We received a lot of feedback and ideas regarding creative solutions, outdoor shows, and streaming options.  Stay tuned as we continue to adapt our programming to reach you during this challenging time. 

Thanks again to all who participated.