Our Youth Need You.

The Center’s arts education programs have grown 455%, expanding from just a few classes to offering more than fifty annually. We need your support for the growing needs from local youth.

The Center has year round classes in theater, dance, drawing, aerial arts, and more. We support a children's theater company, offer a full day of arts at Free Family Fun Day, and invite over a thousand children to our free student matinee program annually.

Please consider a one-time $50.00 donation to bring arts to our children by clicking the link below or calling (530) 274-8384

The Center believes that art should be accessible to everyone. For many youth in the community these programs are their first exposure to the arts. Help us fund these programs that serve almost 4000 youth annually.

The power of art in shaping young minds and building confidence cannot be overstated. Our programs provide invaluable experiences, from theater performances to visual arts workshops, enabling children to explore their passions and develop essential life skills.

Your generosity ensures that we can continue to offer these transformative experiences to children.

Thank you for considering a donation to support The Center for the Arts.

youth arts summer camps for kids

The Center's CREATE Program

In 2022, we launched the CREATE program - The Center Resource for Education, Arts, Theater and Exploration will kick off more arts education opportunities such as student matinees, a children’s theater program and an educational series for adults.